Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An Online Benefit for the USO and our Troops; plus FOOD!

I have another blog that is newer than this one. It is for my Avon business while this one is personal. But, I do want to tell people about the benefit.

Avon has a variety of fundraisers that representatives can do. Sure, they can be lucrative if you connect with the right group, but I really don't pursue that. However, ever since I first saw this particular program, I have had an interest in participating. 

This is a type of "gift in kind" fundraiser wherein part of the funds go to the organization and part of the funds are used to purchase a product gift pack that the organization will hand out to our overseas troops. 90% of the price of the item goes directly to either the USO or to cover the cost of the merchandise to be given to our troops. The remaining 10% covers the cost of taking the orders and processing the payment to Avon. Avon takes care of the rest.

You don't have to ship anything, you don't have to donate huge quantities of money, you don't have to worry about who's getting the money. You know up front where it's going.

There is a PayPal link on the other blog for placing the order and making payment. You DO NOT have to have a PayPal account. The payment can be processed without your having an account, so there's no fussing with having to link it to your bank account and what have you. Just fill out the info and, after verification, the payment will be received. Debit cards or credit cards are fine. You don't have to be rich to help out, but if you're able and want to, you CAN purchase more than one kit to be given to more than one serviceman or woman. It's entirely up to you.

Here is the link to the other blog. You can read more there about the program and about the products our service personnel will receive. As I say there, the sales will benefit me with my Avon standing, but I'm not going to be getting rich with this. It's just something I want to do, that I don't feel like there is a financial ulterior motive for me to do it. The link is here.

Of course, I'd love if you bought some Avon using my storefront link, but not everyone is a fan. And, that's OK. But, I doubt there are many people who don't appreciate that our troops are willing to risk their lives (even if we don't agree politically with the reason they've been sent) or that the USO sends entertainers into some dangerous theaters of operation in order to give the troops a morale boost. Seriously, is there anyone out there who never saw or enjoyed Bob Hope entertaining the troops? The men loved it!! So, would you please consider giving something back to the men and the USO for all they've done for us?


Of course, I have to add something about food. I didn't have my dinner finished when I posted the first part, but now it's done. We've finished eating and I now have the obligatory photo to share with you all.

I wanted to use some of the hamburger that was in the freezer. I took it out a couple days ago to thaw and it's been in the fridge ever since. I decided I needed to use it and found just the thing online. Hamburger Stew!

I took the pound of burger out, put it in the pan and started the fire. I love my potato masher (one of those curly ones, not those ones with the square holes in it that I wouldn't even use on potatoes) because I use it to break down ground meat that I'm cooking. I hate having huge lumps of ground meat in my recipes. So, I started cooking the meat, added onions, a can of stewed tomatoes, a can of sliced potatoes and some powdered beef base for added flavor. Then I got out the leftover corn and carrots I had frozen a couple weeks ago for future use and added them. Once all that was hot and simmering, I added some leftover broccoli and the smidgen (not a precise measurement, naturally) of lima beans that were still frozen along with some more powdered beef base and water. Once all of that came to peak heat, I added some ditalini pasta (again, no measurement - just until it looked like enough), turned the fire down and let it slow cook while I worked on the first part of today's blog entry. Eventually, I turned the fire off completely and waited for everyone to come home.

My son was the first to arrive. I asked him to look at the pot and tell me if he thought I should thicken it or if we should eat it more like soup. That's when I learned that "looks like enough" can be too much. The ditalini had absorbed all the water!!! So......I added two more cups of water, some fresh ground salt and pepper and some pot herbs along with a can of tomato sauce. I reheated the pot and stirred it thoroughly and supper was ready. Of course, I forgot to take the picture until two of us had already had some, but there's plenty in there, so I got a decent photo of the stew/soup (I REALLY don't want to call it "stoup". I mean, I like Rachael, but there is a line I draw.) 

You can see how many little pastas are really in there. 

So, tell me - is this something you'd eat? Seasoned to your tastes, of course, but do you like one pot meals like this - easy to throw together, no constant attending necessary? My kinda cooking!

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