Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tomato Seedlings are Popping Their Little Heads Up

Despite Baby Cat's previous disruptive efforts (knocking the entire tray of planted seeds to the floor and playing in the dirt), as of this moment (late Friday night) I have six (of 12) seeds beginning to sprout. Not sure why there are no peppers beginning to appear since they were all planted at the same time, but they haven't gone beyond their germination times, so there's still a chance.
Bell Pepper plants -Wikimedia Commons, Forest & Kim Starr, Creative Commons
I planted them in the cardboard bases of egg cartons. Twelve nice and neat potting pots filled with potting soil, just enough to get the roots started. The great thing is that I can plant the entire egg cup, soil & seedling, without having to disrupt the growing process. The paper-based cup/carton is biodegradable and will dissolve into the soil as the roots push their way through. I love it!! (I will have to cut the cup sections apart so that I plant individual holders rather than an entire dozen of tomatoes and peppers, of course.)
Tomato Seedlings -Wikimedia Commons, user cdw victoria
We use lots of tomatoes, green peppers and onions in our recipes. (The meatloaf I made tonight has peppers, onions and salsa in it.) I'd also like to have one zucchini plant and one eggplant plant (is that redundant?) and I know Deb wants watermelons; but if she wants them, she's going to do the digging. I'm going to put mine in containers because that's easier for me to take care of.

The only thing I need to go dig a hole for, much to my dismay, is my rose bush. I'll probably go out this weekend and dig right about sundown to plant it. I know I'll regret it. I  just know it. Every other time I've tried to have a rose bush, something has happened. But, I love rose bushes. They're low maintenance (as far as I'm concerned) and high pleasure (I love seeing them in full bloom). I haven't figured out yet where to get a lilac bush, but I would love to have one of them as well. I'll be happy with the rose bush.

Caturday's Images

A Bowlful of Baby Cat

Stop with the flash already!!

Cowgirl Tiki


  1. I am a tomato lover of fresh homegrown tomatoes. I love the idea of using cardboard egg cartons! If only somebody in my family had a green thumb – I'd have tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, onions, and red peppers. Your kitty images are adorable, by the way. Please find my A-Z Challenge here:

  2. What a clever idea, using the cardboard bases of egg cartons for starter pots. Thanks. Also, the bowlful of baby cat pic made my day!

    I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

  3. I love this. My tomatoes are going to be late this year. I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to get them planted yet.
