Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for Cheesecake (See? I told you there'd be food!)

I do so love cheesecake. It's probably one of the last things I should have in any great quantity, but it is so amazingly good - especially when it's extremely rich and loaded with cream cheese.

I absolutely love (there is no superlative that's really adequate here) White Chocolate Raspberry cheesecake made by Cheesecake Factory. Not that I go there to get it - they sell it at the pizzeria next to where I work, which is where I've really gone overboard. I buy a slice a week and it's just so decadent and rich and buttery. And, the chocolate crust is unbelievably wonderful with little chunks of dark chocolate in it. Shaved white chocolate on top and raspberry swirls throughout - it's heavenly!!

Then my friend Tom bought a cheesecake on Friday to treat me to for doing him a favor. Not nearly as good as the previously described cheesecake, but I could still eat a good lot of it if left to my own devices.

Thankfully, my daughter loves cheesecake, too, so when I bring some home, I know I won't be able to eat it all since she'll be eating it with me. Also thankfully, I don't buy it often because I WILL eat it. I've only been buying it because of its close proximity to me, so I've started taking my lunch. That way I won't be able to stand by the display case where the cheesecake's siren call beckons me until I crash my ship upon the rocks of its shores in order to reach it.


  1. I love cheesecake but I don't really like eating sweets, if that makes any sense. I've got everything I need to make one, but have been waiting for Lent to end so Harry can take the leftovers to his co-workers.

    Stopping by on the A to Z Challenge from Debbie & Harry's Kitchen.

  2. What's not to love about cheesecake right? I'm usually drawn to the chocolate, or peanut butter variety but I'm not fussy.
    I haven't followed many food related blogs but yours seems fun.
    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge and decided to follow

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

  3. I loved this post! You've basically summed up exactly how I feel about my favourite kind of cheesecake. I've never been to the cheesecake factory, I wonder if there is one in London because the way you described that cheesecake made it sound incredible!

    Great blog :)

    Nikki – inspire nordic

  4. Love Cheesecake!!

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
