Saturday, April 28, 2012

X is eXtremely Hard to Write About

Other than Xanthan gum, there is no food that I'm aware of that starts with an X. I mean, I could write about that, but I wrote about that during last year's A-Z Challenge. 

I could write about Xylophones or Xrays, too, but really, do you want to know any of that? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Nothing X-rated is appropriate for my blog (nor would I be comfortable if it were), so there goes another X topic down the drain. It's time for a bit of creativity, I guess.

I'm sure there are eXcellent topics out there that fit this letter of the alphabet, but eXactly what they are is a mystery to me. I don't eXcel in knowing words that begin with X. I'm sure I could eXamine a dictionary to gain some knowledge of other X words, but it's not likely I'll ever really use the vast majority of the ones that eXist.

Therefore, I will stand on my creativity and eXit with my head held high and my blog challenge remaining without blemish. I hope your eXperience here has been satisfactory and that my eXplanation is to your liking.


  1. eXactly what I needed tonight and eXcellent post! ♥

    1. Thank you! I just didn't have the wherewithal to be looking up anything beginning with X, so I thought I'd have fun with it.

  2. Actually, because I am gluten intolerant, I would love to know about the uses for Xantham Gum! Just stopping by from the Challenge...only one day to go!

    1. Hi, Jarm. Here's a link to how to use it and Guar Gum for celiacs. I hope it helps. (Of course, I spelled it wrong.)

  3. Replies
    1. Why, thank you!! I just wanted to have some fun with this one. Didn't feel like getting to deep into it.
